
Welcome to English III. This is our blog spot. Here we will share our feelings and ideas about the works we are studying. I encourage you to be honest, but I EXPECT you to be mature and respectful.

Monday, September 29, 2014

In His Hands!

In "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," Jonathan Edwards creates via great imagery the wrath of God upon sinners. Which image, metaphor, simile, personification, etc., did you find to be most effective in conveying Edwards' message? Explain how it made you feel and how you think the members of the congregation must have felt hearing this. (The deadline to post a response to this blog is midnight, Tuesday, September 30, 2014.)


Unknown said...

I think the the one about black clouds hanging over their heads was the most effective for his point of view ...... This probably made the people feel scared about how mad God was .

Unknown said...

In "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God",I find the simile, "God is like great waters that are dammed for the present" most effective in conveying Edward's message. This made me feel that he is hiding all of the goodness and love God gives. I think the members of the congregation must have felt frightened hearing this. -Angel Ragan

Unknown said...

I think once he mentioned god flooding the earth is when he caught there attention. I'm not saying they believe him at the beginning but I'm sure they necessarily thought it was all false. Overall though it was terrifying being told things supposedly suppose to happen to them if they aren't forgiving.