
Welcome to English III. This is our blog spot. Here we will share our feelings and ideas about the works we are studying. I encourage you to be honest, but I EXPECT you to be mature and respectful.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

In the beginning...

Since the beginning of time, people have said to one another, "Tell me a story."  Many of these stories have been folktales. Most folktales contain common elements, such as subtle humor, stereotypical or stock characters, moral themes, eerie or strange settings, and rumor-based or word-of-mouth information. "The Devil and Tom Walker" is classified as an American folktale. Select any two elements of folktales and explain how the incorporation of these elements added to the story. How did these elements help the story?  (This post closes at midnight on Thursday, April 24, 2014.


KateyMUA said...

The subtle humor helped take the seriousness out of the folktale and the stereotypes helped form imagery in the folktale.

Anonymous said...

In The Devil and Tom Walker, two of the elements of folktales used included subtle humor and things that are attributed hearsay. The different hearsay accounts made the story seem alive and worth listening to, while the subtle humor allowed the serious mood of the story to be lightened.

Mariah Barraza said...

The subtle humor helped take out the seriousness in the story and helped the mood of the story be appealing

Nicole Ladner 4th said...

The moral themes gives all the readers something to learn no matter what the age. The moral theme in The Devil and Tom Walker is not to be greedy. Also, subtle humor makes the story good and enjoyable. In The Devil and Tom Walker the subtle humor is that he is more sad over losing his possessions over losing his wife. Both of these qualities makes reading a folktale good.

Unknown said...

I think that the description of the swamp gave the story good imagry and the subtle humor lets a person know that the story is not 100 percent serious.