
Welcome to English III. This is our blog spot. Here we will share our feelings and ideas about the works we are studying. I encourage you to be honest, but I EXPECT you to be mature and respectful.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


We read two articles that presented views on technology today. How has technology improved yet hurt our world?  Give specific examples. How often do you use technology on a daily basis?  Has it become a habit or a learning tool for you personally?  ( The deadline to post a response to this blog question is midnight, Monday, January 27, 2014.)


Unknown said...

Technology definitely has its pros and cons. It has improved the world in plenty of ways, for say, the medical field. We also know plenty more due to technology. In the same instance, we have all grown to be very dependable on technology and I think it makes us very lazy. I am spoiled by technology.

Nicole Ladner 4th said...

Most people now a days would be lost without technology. Technology has made education better and easier for people to learn. It helps teachers projectors, Remind 101, and many other things. It helps students with spellchecking on computers, keeping them from having to write by hand, learning new languages, and much more. Although we have gained from technology we have lost a good bit too. People have lost how to communicate face to face, because everyone is so used to texting and abbreviating as much as he or she can. In a short way to put this made people more lazy. I use technology all the time on a daily basis whether it is checking my email, texting friends, talking on the phone, in the classrooms and when doing homework. I said earlier most people now a days would be lost without technology, I am one of those people. Is this sad, I say yes we have all became dependent on technology.

Unknown said...

Technology has improved the world in many ways but has also hurt it in many ways. Apps on cell phones are being made almost everyday to make thing easier to access. I use technology all day long. Technology has become a habit for everyone, including teachers. Teachers use PowerPoints to show us notes and to give us bellwork. Technology has lead to more internet viruses and hacking in the past few years. Technology is basically running everyone's lives.