
Welcome to English III. This is our blog spot. Here we will share our feelings and ideas about the works we are studying. I encourage you to be honest, but I EXPECT you to be mature and respectful.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Something That Happened...

When he first wrote this novel, Steinbeck titled it Something That Happened.  Then, he remembered the poem "To a Mouse,"which we read in class.  From that poem he took the title Of Mice and Men.  Which title Something that Happened or Of Mice and Men do you think is the better title?  Why?  Give specific reasons.  (The deadline to post a response to this question is midnight January 25, 2012.)

1 comment:

UnKnown said...

I believe that Of Mice and Men is the better title. Of Mice and Men, in my opinion, sounds better. It really captures the theme of the book. The poem that Steinbeck got it from is kind of what the book, Of Mice and Men, is about. They have similar themes. They both show that dreams are often destroyed or incomplete. For these reasons, this is why i believe that Of Mice and Men is the best title for the book.

-J.L block 1