
Welcome to English III. This is our blog spot. Here we will share our feelings and ideas about the works we are studying. I encourage you to be honest, but I EXPECT you to be mature and respectful.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Oh, sweet diary of mine...if they only knew...

Which character in The Crucible have you selected as the author of your secret diary?  Why did you select him or her?  What do you want your diary to reveal about this character? (The deadline to post a response to this blog question is midnight Wednesday, September 26, 2012.)


Unknown said...

I chose to do my secret diary on Abigail. I chose her, because she has so many problems with herself and I thought it would be interesting to know what was going on in her head. I wanted to be her from my perspective. I want my diary to reveal that Abigail is so cruel and evil and doesn't care about anyone but herself. She is so selfish.

Tiffany Bates said...
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Tiffany Bates said...

I chose Marry Warren because I play her in class and I would like to explore more about her inner character and reveal the inner conflict she feels towards her friend and her Christian ability to do what is right. She weeps often, and I would like to dive into why that is.

Unknown said...

I chose Betty Parris for the author of my secret diary because she is involved in everything Abigail does and she hears things that she probably shouldn't have. Betty heard of John and Abby's affair and the land debate between the adults. I want the diary to reveal how Abby tricks Betty.

Unknown said...

I chose john proctor as the author of my secret diary. I picked him to elaborate on his marriage and the crime he committed. I want my diary to reveal that john is still a good man but that he has problems to face.

Anonymous said...

I am choosing John Proctor do to my diary on. I picked John because i play him in class and I feel that he is a very deep character. I want to reveal his feeling of guilt for cheating, his love for Elizabeth, his hate for Parris, and his all around good nature.

Anonymous said...

I chose Mary Warren for my diary project. I chose her because she seems to have insecurities with herself and I want be able to feel more of what she feels.

Anonymous said...

I am choosing to do my dairy on either goody proctor or abigail. Goody proctor because I want to give my perspective through her character about how she feels about John proctor when he cheated on her and then how she felt when she lied for him. I want to write through Abigail to show what I think about why she would slander half the women of the town as witches and the other actions she took that were incredibly wicked and cruel

Lealah Watson said...

I chose John Proctor for the diary project. I picked him because he's a really well written character and he's very deep. In the diary, he could explain why he committed adultery and all the feelings he has because of that.

Unknown said...

I have slected Abigail Williams for the diary project because she is the most convoluted character. I feel that her diary would explain why she cries witch and would give vital personal information about what goes on inside of her head. This diary would reveal how she feels about John and what she would do to get him. Her thoughts would expose her for being a bit crazy, obsessive, and, in much irony, like a witch.

Unknown said...

I chose Elizabeth Proctor's diary to write because I feel like she's such a quiet and submisive person that she must be struggling emotionally inside. I want to understand better what is going through her head and what she doesn't reveal to everyone else. TR 1st block

Unknown said...

I chose to write my diary on Elizabeth Proctor because she is an overlooked character and I feel there is much more to her than is portreyed in the play. I think she could be further developed through an externalized internal monolouge
C.A. 1st block

Anonymous said...

I chose Abigail's diary because she was the character I was assigned in class. I want to go deeper down into what it feels like to be Abigail since I did not do so when we acted my part out. I want my diary to reveal why Abigail is the way she is and all of her different motives behind her actions.

Unknown said...

I chose Abigail Williams to write my diary on. I think Abby is a character that has a lot of things to be said about her. I have found that she is a very clever character in many ways and I want to be able to show this through my diary entries. I also have noticed that Abigail is obsessed with John and she will never give up on the thought that he may still want her. I think this will be a very interesting thing to show that is running through her head at all times in this diary. I lastly want my diary to reveal all the bad and horrible thoughts she has, especially her view of my character, Elizabeth Proctor, and how she has this plan to overcome the town with witchcraft.

NSahlers said...

I chose to do Judge Hathorne (my role in the play) because he is not mentioned much so far. All we know is that he is a biased judge that immediately sides with the accuser. I want this diary to reveal a different side of him, maybe as a man who is troubled by having to take sides in the decisions of witchcraft.

AR said...

AR First Block-
For my secret diary, I chose the character Abigail Williams. The reason I chose her is because she had an extremely interesting personality. Everything she did or said was based on some motive. The fact that she did this really caught my attention and I wanted to look deeper into it and to actually see if I could feel how she felt herself. I want my diary to show Abigail for who she really is and what her thought process is really like. I hope that I can amplify her emotions with the way I portray her character in my secret diary project.

Unknown said...

I chose to do my diary on John Proctor. I chose him because he has many thoughts and beliefs that are different than the rest of Salem and those in authority. I feel that I could express those thoughts in his diary.