
Welcome to English III. This is our blog spot. Here we will share our feelings and ideas about the works we are studying. I encourage you to be honest, but I EXPECT you to be mature and respectful.

Monday, November 26, 2012

A Simple Occurrence

Look at the picture above this passage. Based upon your reading of Ambrose Bierce's "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge," does this picture capture the mood of the story? Explain your stance with specifics from the story. (The deadline to post a response to this blog question is midnight Tuesday, November 27, 2012.)


Unknown said...

This picture does not capture the mood of "An Occurrence at Own Creek Bridge." This picture seems like a good event will happen here, like a wedding proposal. In the story, the man was hanged. Flowers give the opposite feel of that.

SA block 2 said...

This picture does not capture the same mood as the story because while the story is dark, mysterious, and ominous, this picture is cheerful and bright.

Unknown said...

I feel it captures the mood fairly well. The bridge is overshadowed by the dark woods much as the exact events of the "occurance" are obscured at first by of Farquar's mental escape.
C.A. 1st block

KG Block 1 said...

I do not believe that this picture accurately captures the mood of the story. The "occurrence" in the story is a hanging, which is generally gloomy. The rest of the story is an action-filled dream of escaping. The colors, flowers, and brightness of the picture portrays a joyful mood, which is not at all the mood of "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge."

Hope S. 2nd block said...

I do not think that this picture captures the mood of the story " An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge." I believe the mood was very gloomy because of the death. A hanging is not happy and peaceful like this picture portrays it to be.

Anonymous said...

I feel the picture captures the mood of "An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge" realaly well. While the story was sad and gloomy from the death by hanging, it was also very upbeat and fastgoing. The dark woods show the sad and gloomy side, the bright river shows the fast, upbeat side, and the bridge serves as a mediator to both.

Tiffany Bates said...

It captures the mood when the plantation owner imagines himself getting free and admiring the land he gets "away" on. In the reality, it may or may not have been such a perky, bright scene, but it all goes to the reader and how that person perceives it.

Lealah Watson said...

At first, I thought it didn't capture the mood because it seemed to be cheerful and bright when the mood it is really gloomy because he's about to hang. Then I thought like Tiffany and it fits the way the plantation owner might see it when he's dreaming of his escape.

BF Block 2 said...

I believe this picture does not accurately capture the mood given in "An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge." The picture provides viewers with a happy, cheerful feeling, which is the complete opposite mood given off by the short story. In the story, the main character is being hanged, which is a very sad event.

Anonymous said...

I feel as though the picture does not capture the mood of the story. The picture looks too peaceful to fit the mood of the story. Granted the picture has a shadowy tint to it that hints at something dark happening the peaceful atmosphere overrides anything bad

Unknown said...

I do not believe that this picture effectively captures the mood of "An Occurance at Owl Creek Bridge." The picture seems to be too peaceful. There are too many flowers showing happiness, the river seems to be flowing too calmly, and the bridge looks too innocent without the soldiers and blockades at either end such as the short story describes. Though his fantasy of escaping was colorful and upbeat, it was still a very tense part of the story, and was not a light or happy time such as the picture suggests.

Arnel Dujkovic said...

I believe that this picture does not capture the mood of the story beacuse the story took place during the civil war. When thinking of war, people picture trees on fire, dark skies, and smoke filling the air. This picture appears as a peaceful and beautifu l scene.

Unknown said...

I do not believe that the picture accurately captures the mood of the story. The story is dark and negative. When I look at this picture, it makes me think of a happy scene out of a children's book.

Anonymous said...

yea because of the senery of the story