
Welcome to English III. This is our blog spot. Here we will share our feelings and ideas about the works we are studying. I encourage you to be honest, but I EXPECT you to be mature and respectful.

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Appeal of a Poet...

Our focus on Romantic poets took us through 3 works by Longfellow:  "A Psalm of Life," "The Children's Hour," and "Cross of Snow."  Select one of the poems and share your overall thoughts on the work.  How and why does it appeal to you?  (The deadline to post a response is midnight, Saturday, October 27, 2012.)


Tiffany Bates said...

My favorite of the three is "The Children's Hour". It is just so sweet and light-hearted. It is a positive and cute piece of work and I appreciate it because I was one of those little girls who hugged daddy when he came home. It makes me think of him when I do not see him often and I enjoy the poem that lets me remember my childhood.

Unknown said...

My favorite poem is "The Children's Hour." It's such a happy poem. It tells the story of a father who loves his daughters, no matter what. My favorite line is when it says that the children are locked away in the dungeon of his heart. This poem makes me feel lighter. It can lift the heavy burdens.

Hope S. 2nd block said...

My favorite poem would have to be "The Children's Hour." I love happy endings opposed to sad and tragic endings. This whole piece is optimistic throughout the entire piece and Longfellow is an amazing poet. It appeals to me because I look back on when I would stand at the door waiting for my father to enter and jumping in his arms. It shows the strong relationships fathers have with their children.

Anonymous said...

I like the poem "Cross of Snow" the most. I thought it was easier to understand than the other two poems. I didn't like the fact that he was in misery rather than the way he used metaphors and imagery to explain the weight of his lost. This poem appears to me in a way where I can relate to losing someone.

Unknown said...

My favorite poem was "Cross of Snow." I like this poem because Longfellow is not scared to tell the truth of how he felt in this poem. He uses nature to describe the hurt and agony that is burdened on his chest. Even though it was not his fault he still finds his self at fault for his wife's death. Her pure innocence is what keeps him stuck on this conclusion of how someone so pure and white can just be taken from him. KB 2nd block