
Welcome to English III. This is our blog spot. Here we will share our feelings and ideas about the works we are studying. I encourage you to be honest, but I EXPECT you to be mature and respectful.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

See No Evil***Speak No Evil***Hear No Evil

At the end of Part One of Fahrenheit 451, Beatty tells Montag that the firemen are "The Happiness Boys." This futuristic society is driven to be happy at all costs--including the loss of thought.  Which of their many actions and changes do you find most disturbing?  How has this desire to be happy hurt these people?  (The deadline to post a response to this blog question is midnight, Saturday, September 24, 2011.)


Kasey.Rito said...

One of the actions I find most disturbing is the face that they burn books, a source of happiness for some people. Also that they do not speak to each other, and that they drive so fast that they cannnot see anything. Another thing is the fact that knowledge is frowned upon. This desire has changed everyone into robots who do what they are told, and only know what they are taught. No one has any real feelings or thoughts, and people do not care about each other. This desire has also left poeple to be blind to most things, including war, and necessary information.

thecadeladner said...

I think the most disturbing thing the duo does is leave the woman in the house to burn. This is unnecessary! This is a society of which I could not bear to live in. These people live in a place where they could have their memory erased and never know it happened. These people of nearly no freedom for anything.

suzanne said...

I find it most disturbing that history is not being told correctly because the firemen believe that Benjamin Franklin was the first fireman to burn books when, in actuality, he wrote books and formed the first fireman station to stop fires. It is also disturbing that people don't actually think for themselves because they don't have books to help promote creativity and knowledge. The desire to be happy has made the people into robots not knowing true hate or love and doing what they are taught through comic books and videos.

Morgan Adam said...

The action that most disturbs me from Part One was as Cade said, leaving a woman in her house to burn with her books. Even though it is a futuristic society I do not understand which human could burn a woman in her own house because she has books. Personally, I believe this action is inhumain. The desire to be happy has chancged these people into complete robots. They have no emotions, no morals, as if they do not know right from wrong. These people have no time to think or talk.

Emma said...

The thing I find most disturbing so far in the book is that the people are now stripped of their knowledge. Beatty says that people are being fed facts and memorizing things but not knowing why things work. They just know how. Also, the people feel "'brilliant' with information" meaning that they feel great about themselves, but they have actually learned nothing. These people now do not have much of an education or knowledge of things, and I find it upsetting.

kaileyemorton said...

kailey morton block 2
I find the fact that these people are so indifferent to the horror extremely disturbing. Montag and the other firefighters are able to sit and play cards while there is a war outside. Their ability to do so shows that they don't care whats going on. Because this society believes they all have to be happy, they lose their feelings and compassion. You can't feel happiness until you experience sadness, but they do not allow themselves to think about how they feel. They force themselves to assume they are happy yet, truthfully, they are empty and stripped of emotion.

Faith Crawford said...

In my opinion, the most disturbing change from the book is that this futuristic society expects every individual to think and feel the same way. The way they succeed in this situation is taking all of their knowledge and possible thoughts away by taking the books and setting laws and rules by which the people are forbidden to disobey. The firemen and the law officials have literally forced the townspeople to be happy by many incidents. I believe that forcing these people into happiness have caused them to lose their train of thought and to lose their own sense of individuality.

BES said...

I think the most disturbing action is that no one cares about others' feelings. When Mildred overdosed on sleeping pills, technicians were sent instead of doctors, and the technicians did not care. They just smoked their cigaretts and said how this type of thing happens all of the time. People's desire to be happy lost them the ability to think for themselves and actually be happy.

Aaron Parker said...

Aaron Parker 2nd
The most disturbing part of this future is the citizen's lack of knowledge. Everyone in this society is brainless because of their need to be happy. Because of this, there are no doctors, only technicians who repair robots that do a doctors job and no firemen, only men who destroy books. I am sure the list can go on. In this society, feelings are wiped out; no sorrow, anguish, pain, anger or love. The only thing that matters is being happy and to do this they destroy the thirst for knowledge and instead seek thoughtless happiness. That is what is most disturbing.

KyleGravois said...

Kyle Gravois 2nd

The most disturbing part of this twisted future, is their inability to care about others emotions. In part one, Montag is extremely ill from stress, and Mildred has no sympathy for him. All she cares about is being happy and watching shows on the Parlor. She is the common citizen in this future; she has no care to learn or better herself. To her, being happy is the only thing that matters in life.


I am very happy to read the last two posts, but unfortunately, you missed the deadline for extra points. Remember to be mindful of the time deadlines.