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Thursday, February 10, 2011
If Only I Could...

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I would definetly interview Abigail Williams. I would start by telling her she is a cruel, manipulative girl who has no brains. Next I would tell her she does NOT love John; she is merely caught in the moment as most niave girls are. I would tell her she is murdering innocent people for selfish reasons which makes her very detestable. I would tell her to tell the truth and move on with life because John Proctor, nor anyone else in the town, is NEVER going to love her.
If I could speak with any character from the play, it would be John Proctor. First off, I would ask him why he had an affair with Abigail when he had a wife already. I understand that it was an "in the moment" kind of thing, but why? Second, I would tell him how I really honor the person he is. I like his courage and powerful attitude. Third, I would tell him that I am sorry that things happened the way they did in court and I wish they had gone the other way. Finally, I would let him know that if he does live, he should never commit adultery again.
If I had the chance to speak with any one of the characters, I would choose to have a conversation with Reverend Parris. I would ask him why he is so intent on getting everyone involved and in trouble in the court room. None of it is really his business, other than the fact that his neice is the lying harlett that caused all of this to happen. I would also love to tell him he is a lying and self-absorbed man who has no right to be leading a church in my opinion. I would tell him he is looking for nothing but money from Salem and is too intent on saving his name than to get down to what is really happening right under his nose with Abigail.
If I could speak with any character it would be Mary Warren. I would start by telling her that even though she is a nice girl with good intentions, she definitely messed up. I would tell her that she should have told the truth even if she was going to be hanged. I would make it clear that she made the wrong choice. I would also make sure she knows that she is not only lying to save herself, but she is also a coward. Then I would tell her that I could understand her actions if they did not hurt anyone else. However, her actions had the lives of others at stake so she should have told the truth.
If I could speak to a character from the play, it would have to be with Elizabeth. I would tell her that I am glad that she finally showed how much she loved her husband by lying for him. Since she has never lied in her entire life, I think that that was a special moment. Even if she did not end up saving him, at least she lied to try and protect John. I would also tell her that she is a good person just for lying for her John and that he still loves her even if she couldn't save him.
Honestly, if it were possible for me to have the opportunity to have a conversation with anyone from the play, I would probably choose Giles Corey. I would firstly like to know more about his childhood, seeing as how it is never mentioned, and I would also like to know about his previous two wives and why he is no longer with them. Also, knowing the name of the man whom he did not give up to Danforth would be a wonderful thing to know. Giles has many mysteries about him, and if I were able to, I would uncover them all.
If I had the chance, I would talk to Goody Putnam. I would tell her that babies die all the time, and there is no use trying to pin the blame on anybody. And really, she needs to make up her mind who she thinks cursed her anyway, first it was Goody Goody and Goody Osbourn, and now it is Rebecca Nurse? Come on. And really, if she thinks god influences her life so much, I think the babies' deaths were punishment for her being such a cruel, vindictive, and above all, stupid old bat. And also, why did she think that witchcraft was the answer if she is so devout? If she had not searched so hard for someone to blame, a great deal of the populace would never have been accused and punished for crimes they did not commit. I would speak to Goody Putnam so she could wallow in the knowledge of the crimes she committed against her town and church.
If I were to talk to any of the people in Salem I would talk to Reverend Hale. My first question would be why he did not use his athority to help stop the witch trials. This has perplexed me ever since the beginning of Act Three. I would have thought that his word was the most important in the town. My second question would be what did he do while in Andover. In the book it hints that he might have been preaching, but knowing the weight of guilt on his shoulders was so heavy I do not think this. It would be nice to know this for a fact. Finally, I would ask Hale simply who did he come back to save. Whether it was Proctor, Gilles, or even one of the girls. So if I had the chance to ask Hale any questions these are what I would ask.
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