
Welcome to English III. This is our blog spot. Here we will share our feelings and ideas about the works we are studying. I encourage you to be honest, but I EXPECT you to be mature and respectful.

Friday, December 2, 2011

"I tell you a person gets sick..."

We read Chapter 4 of OF MICE AND MEN today.  In this chapter, Steinbeck shows the many effects of loneliness and lost dreams. Explain how loneliness has affected Curley's wife, Crooks, and Candy.  (The deadline to post a reponse to this question is midnight, Sunday, December 4, 2011)


SamanthaFouasnon said...

Because of loneliness, Crooks becomes bitter. He never has anyone to talk to and he feels like he is becoming sick. Curley's wife feels that she needs to go around to the men just to have someone to talk to. She has been married for two weeks and her husband has already left for a "whore house". Candy thinks that he will be fired soon. He can't get another job because of his age and he only has one hand. He does not have any family or friends, therefore, he has no where to go.

BP-blk 1 said...

Crooks has grown indifferent because of the loneliness and treatment he has experienced. He feels he needs to treat others the way he has been treated to stay safe.Candy feels he has no one that cares about him. He has no family and has lost his best friend. Curley's wife wants attention due to loneliness she has experience with Curly. She wears revealing clothing to catch the eyes and atention of the workers on the farm.

Kasey.Rito said...

Loneliness has an effect on everyone, and Curley's wife, Crooks, and Candy are very lonely. Curley's wife feels that she doesn't really have anyone. She thinks all Curley cares about is fighting and himself. This makes Curley's wife go talk to other guys for company. Crooks has been lonely most of his life. He had only his brothers while he was growing up. Because of this Crooks has become very mean and territorial. He also claimes that lonely people becomes sick, and he thinks he is sick. Candy is afraid of getting fired because he has no one. Candy doesn't have family and he no longer has his dog. Candy is willing to do anything to have a safe, secured home and friend.