
Welcome to English III. This is our blog spot. Here we will share our feelings and ideas about the works we are studying. I encourage you to be honest, but I EXPECT you to be mature and respectful.

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Wheels Stop Turning...

Now that we have finished The Crucible, I would like your honest opinion.  How does it rank as a work of literature?  What central theme/message did  you take from your reading?  Would you recommend this to others?  Justify.  (The deadline to post a response to this blog question is midnight, Sunday, September 18, 2011.)


JasmineNecaise said...

I really enjoyed The Crucible. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone I know. It really made me realize that sometimes things may look right or seem like it's right but you have to go with your gut feeling on some things. Not all laws are really in favor of protecting people.

Shannon Walker said...

The Crucible is one of the best plays I've ever read. I believe that the main point of the play is to point out humanity's large capacity for good and evil. For example, John Proctor represents the constant battle between what is right and wrong inside of every person. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys literature that makes them think.

Kasey.Rito said...

The Crucible has been one of my favorite plays. It shows that when you lie, you just tell more and more lies to continuously cover the lies up. Also, some people are not always what they same, and you cannot trust everyone. I would recommend this play to other people. It is a good play, with good life lessons.

BMS said...

The Crucible is a pretty good play. I believe that it shows that some people only care about themselves, and harm people in the process of trying to get what they want. It also shows that anyone who tells a lie will usually tell many more lies following that one lie. Also, it shows that it is a good idea for myself to stand up for something worth staning up for, even if it means sacrficing my own life. I would recommend this play to anyone because it teaches people morals and lessons useful to life, and it is a decent piece of literature with a lot of history behind it.

BES said...

I enjoyed The Crucible and believe it is a great work of literature. I believe the central theme is that people should stand up for what they believe in no matter what others think because even though most people in the play believed in witchcraft, some characters stood up against it. I would recommend this to others because it has many great lessons and themes that people can benefit from and because it is just a great read.

kaileyemorton said...

The Crucible was okay. I have a hard time following plays, but for the most part i enjoyed it. I believe that the theme was that most people have a hard time standing up for their beliefs. Miller wanted us to see that you SHOULD stand up for what you think no matter how many people are on your side. i would recommend this play to others simply because the message the reader receives is something everyone should hear.

Faith Crawford said...

After reading The Crucible, I truly appreciated the work of art Miller created. I think the main reason why I appreciated and enjoyed it so much is because it was about the old days and how Miller wanted us to obtain a message through his words. I believe the main theme of his work is to die for what you believe in rather than lying to save your life. Coming from that, is to state what you believe rather than saying something false just to get out of trouble. An example of this would be of Giles Corey. I definitely recommend this book to my peers so that they may get something out of Miller's lessons. Miller was very smart in putting things between the lines that the reader should think about. Everyone should experience this.

BM-1 said...

I give The Crucible a rating of 8 out of 10. I would recommend it to others because it teaches many morals and life lessons, as well as shows struggles that can somewhat be related to every individuals' lives. Being set in an older time period, the wording was sometimes tricky, but it did not take much effort to decipher it like it usually does when reading literature from the past. I must say that this book is quite thrilling and captivating at times and that, while it has a few slow points, it keeps the reader interested most of the time. The main theme that I took from this reading is that we are all humans and make mistakes,such as accusing others of false crimes or turning against our beliefs, but it is whether or not we choose to correct our mistakes, and if so, how we go about correcting them, that truly defines us as "good" or "evil".

JM said...

I believe The Crucible is a great play. Except at parts it is hard to follow, and I could care less for the old style language but life moves on. It was outstanding as a piece of literature and I would say the best play I have ever read. Miller's general thyme in The Crucible appeared to me to be standing by what you believe no matter what the circumstances. John Proctor showed this by dying for not confessing to a lie. I would recommend this book for anyone who is intrigued by thought provoking literature.