
Welcome to English III. This is our blog spot. Here we will share our feelings and ideas about the works we are studying. I encourage you to be honest, but I EXPECT you to be mature and respectful.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

"You are worth more than the whole damn bunch of them..."

Do not answer this question until you have finished reading the novel. Who is most responsible for Gatsby's death? Explain. (This post closes at midnight on May 19th)


Unknown said...

Daisy is most responsible for Gatsby’s death. She causes Myrtle’s death and hence George’s deranged and vengeful state, therefore she is directly accountable for George’s murder of Gatsby. Also, by not telling Tom that she was the one actually driving, Daisy leads Tom to believe that Gatsby ran over Myrtle and fans the flames of Tom’s hatred toward Gatsby. This makes it all the more easy for Tom to give Gatsby’s name to George, who finds Gatsby’s home and shoots him. By tracing the blame through many characters, I find that Daisy is the one ultimately responsible for the tragic death of Jay Gatsby.


CHRISTEN said...

Gatsby's obsession towards Daisy is what is most responsible for Gatsby's death. Because he wanted to impress her, he had to become rich fast and that lead to becoming a bootlegger. Then he thought that he had to have all the greatest things. Most of all he held on to a dream that was lost many years earlier. He really believed that all he had to do was be a part of her life again and it would go back to normal. That was not the case and Gatsby soon realized that. Even though George Wilson was the one who shot Jay Gatsby, Gatsby's crazy obession is what i believe truly killed him.
