
Welcome to English III. This is our blog spot. Here we will share our feelings and ideas about the works we are studying. I encourage you to be honest, but I EXPECT you to be mature and respectful.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Final Thoughts on The Crucible

Now that we have finished reading, enacting, and discussing Miller's play, what do you feel is the most important message/theme that Miller conveys through this drama? Why? (The post closes on Tuesday, March 24th at midnight.)


Ginny said...

Now that our class has finished reading The Crucible, I have found many themes. The most important theme seems to be dishonesty leads to devastation. He shows how the dishonesty of the girls has claimed many lives of the townspeople.

Unknown said...

I think that the most important of The Crucible’s many themes is that a person should do what he believes is right despite the pressures of society. As readers, we see both sides of this message in Miller’s play. When Mary Warren gives in to Abigail and the girls in Act Three, we see that going against personal morals to conform with society leads to consequences (namely John’s arrest and ultimately his death). The other side of the message is in Giles Corey’s last act: he did what he believed was right and saved his friends, even though society’s punishment was death. This message is applicable to many people and many situations, in the play and in real life. It stresses a person staying true to himself no matter what, and I believe that is extremely important.



I think the most important them in The Crucible was hypocrisy. It pointed out how hypocritical we, as humans, are. It also pointed out that even if you say you are Christian and church-going, you may be a sinner. Hypocrisy also covers much of the dishonesty in the play, as the lies were made hypocritically.


????? said...

I think that an important theme of the story is that being able to live with your inner self is most important. It would have been very difficult for John to be the same person knowing he had lied.
