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Monday, January 5, 2009

You Are What You Read?

Of the novels that you have read in the past, which have you enjoyed the most and why? This post will close on Wednesday, January 14th at midnight.


oh isuzu said...

Out of the novels I have read for school I liked The Great Gatsby and Of Mice and Men the most. The Great Gatsby interested me because it was set in the Jazz Age. Also, I liked picking up on all the symbolism that Fitzgerald put in the book. I liked Of Mice and Men because it was a different kind of story, with characters that a typical book wouldn't really have. Although it was short, it had a good story with a lot of meaning to it.

TR - 3


The novel I have most enjoyed out of all the books I have read (which is quite a lot), would definitely be Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami. Kafka on the Shore is an amazing piece of literature. Although it covers dark, depressing, and mature themes, it revolves around a young boy who is simply trying to purpose and place in the world. However, many different people can take many different meanings from the book. It is written with riddles and confusing conversations, but it just makes the plot more interesting. I always enjoy rereading Kafka on the Shore whenever I get the chance, as I always find something new that I never noticed before.

RH - 4

007 said...

Don't laugh, but my favorite novel is The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I love how C.S. Lewis uses rligious symbolism in combination with a whimsical plot set in a fantasy world filled with adventure. It was the first real novel I ever read independently, so I have a little emotional connection. In fact, it's one of the few novels I've read more than once (three times actually), and it's the only novel that I've ever read (or re-read in this case) after seeing the movie. Even though it's elementary and pretty short, I would still recommend it to anyone. Fortunately, there's a whole series of seven books to keep me busy.

007 said...

By the way... I forgot to sign.


Anonymous said...

Out of the novels I have read in my past, I do believe my favorite would be The Secret Garden or Speak. I like The Secret Garden because of the mystery, and I like Speak because it really gives hope to the students who read it. I also really enjoyed The Lovely Bones.


Anonymous said...

My most recently read books are the ones that I have enjoyed most. It would be the Twilight series. I love the chemistry between the main characters and the way that everything falls around them. The way that Stephanie Meyer is very decriptive makes someone have almost the same emotional feelings as the characters.


Ginny said...

"Great Expectatios" By Charles Dickens was one of my favorite novels. Why,because few authors are as articulate and fluent as Mr. Dickens in their writing. He creates such an image using only words, that a person will feel like they are actually viewing the actual moment.

Morgan Freeman said...

Well, i haven't really read too many books, so I'm going to have to say I enjoyed Twilight the most. At first my sister was reading it and i thought it looked kind of dumb, but I saw the movie and I was like, wow that was pretty cool. So i recently read the book and I thought it was better than the movie. The author did a great job painting the scene in my mind. I felt more involved, which kept me from getting bored.


Unknown said...

My absolute favorite book now would have to be breaking dawn, which is last bood in twilight series because it is great new view on vampires in literary history; secondly would be the Da Vinci code by Dan Brown it is a really well written story full of plot twists and suspense.


Adriana said...

Out of the books I read in school, I really enjoyed the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. I enjoyed the novel for its warmth and humor, but i also enjoyed the book for its image of racial heroism. Another reason I enjoyed the book was because it was an emotional story due to the rape and racial inequality. Out of the books i read outside of school, my favorite is the Twilight series. I really liked the way the characters are changed around so I could hear their emotions from different sides of the story. The book also is very emotional which made me enjoy it a lot more.


Unknown said...

I read Pride & Prejudice last year and I absolutely loved it--so much that I made my sister read it so I could have someone to gush over it with me. The classic love story really appealed to me (because I'm a hopelessly romantic kind of girl), and I enjoyed reading about Elizabeth Bennett and trying to put myself in her shoes. Also, the time period was very distinctive and interesting to me--especially reading about what was (and what was not) acceptable and expected of young ladies. Perhaps the largest reason I enjoyed the book so much was the simple fact that it was written with the phrases and cadences of the old world, which pulled me into the story and made me visualize it exactly as it was meant to be told.


Lo said...

I'm sorry to admit, but I am not a very big reader. The one book that stands out in my mind is To Kill A Mockingbird. The reason I enjoyed this book was it had true meaning and life experience in it. It wasn't another teenage dramatic love story that gets overused.

SAT said...

Picking a favorite novel is quite a challenge for me, but when I think back on all of the novels I've read, Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes is one of the first to pop into my head. One thing that stood out to me was the unique writing style. Though many books are written in journal format, Flowers for Algernon is composed of journal entries that change with the main character Charlie's intelligence level, which at first increases and then decreases. Also, I liked how Flowers for Algernon discusses many important issues that remain relevant to today's society, such as 'defying God's will' by using medical technology to alter humans and treating mentally disabled people wrongly because they are different. Flowers for Algernon evokes strong emotions and holds valuable lessons, and I simply love it.

SAT said...


Mysterious Writer said...

I cannot pick a favorite book, I would spend all day trying to figure out what I could never figure out. My favorite kind of books are those that have to do with real life, saying like the books Twisted and Speak, even the one that we are reading right now, Night, reading about what Elie Wiesel had to go through is just horrific in my eyes. I look forward to reading the books in this class, all are classics that I have never had the chance to read.


Laurel Bruce said...

I love humor and coming-of-age stories, so I would have to say one of my favorite novels that I have read is King Dork. I thought the story was hilarious. The main character's commentary about high school actually made me laugh out loud as I read the book. Overall, I thought King Dork was a funny, intelligent, and moving book. I could not put it down.


BR said...

Of all the novels I have read I think I enjoyed Gone With the Wind and Lonesome Dove the most. It took me a long time to really get into Gone With the Wind at first because I didn't like Scarlet's personality. Once I got past that obstacle I saw how much she grew as a person during the Civil War and I loved seeing how she changed as a character. I really liked Lonesome Dove because I love westerns and I enjoyed how real the characters seemed.


Lo said...

Sorry. I am in fourth block instead of third.

Impulse said...

My favorite novel that I have read is The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. I enjoyed this book because it was very suspenseful and I could not put it down. I also love history and the way this book discusses historical figures and events kept me indulged.


Unknown said...

My favortie book is The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. I love how Charlie, the narrator, tells his story so honestly and simply through letters written to an unknown recipient. His views on life are so uncomplicated. I can also relate to Charlie's awkwardness.


sw said...

I have been reading a lot of novels lately, but one of my favorites was The Watchers by Dean Koontz. Even though, Koontz describes the setting in too much detail he always keeps you wondering what is going to happen next.

Lauren said...

I have always been a fan of adventure and fantasy novels. I have, though, lately been reading science fiction and magical fiction. I get into stories where the main character is spunky and intriguing. Some of my all time favorite book series are Twilight saga, Harry Potter series (1-4), Maxium Ride series, Pendragon series, and the Bartimaeus Trilogy. I am reading The Looking Glass Wars: Seeing Redd. This is a really neat science fiction version of Alice in Wonderland.

Lauren said...

Sorry! Ms.P! Lauren's last comment was supposed to have LS-4 at the end!

bex said...

I have two favorite novels. The one I read most recently was The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It had very interesting characters, and I enjoyed the sarcastic humor. My other favorite book is The Catcher in the Rye. This book gave me insight into the life of a very unique character that I am nothing like.


EM73 said...

I have always enjoyed Where the Red Fern Grows. I can relate to the book and the author because I have hunting dogs myself. I also enjoy the individual stories inside the main plot. Where the Red Fern Grows will continue to be one of my favorite novels.

EM73 said...


Lola said...

My favorite noevel is Something Borrowed, by Emily Giffin. I am in the middle of reading it and I already know it is my favorite. This story grabs my attention very well and it keeps me guessing what is going to happen next. It is a novel about real life events dealing with two girls who happen to be best friends. It deals with testing their friendship through a man. It is a mature book that is very straight forward. It tells me how far people will go to win true happiness. I can't wait to finish it. It will surely have an exciting ending.

Lola said...

Oh I am so sorry. Lola is HH-4

!~*ShElBy*~! said...

My favorite novel, or novels rather, would have to be the Twilight Saga. Even though they have been referred to as "garbage" by someone who shall remain nameless, I find that I can easily relate to these books. These books not only tell a very exciting story, they also teach us about important virtues.


Isabella said...

Out of the books that I have read recently would probably be the Twilight series, but also I enjoyed reading the whole series of Chronicles of Narnia I recently read.

Isabella said...

sorry I forgot
_AAA, 4

????? said...

I have read many great books, but two that really stand out to me are Homecoming and The Shack. I really like alot of Lurlene McDaniels books, including Homecoming. I liked it because the way it's written really kept me interested until the very last work of the book. Then i wanted there to be more. I just recently read The Shack by Nicholas Sparks and
it also had a great story line.


Audrey said...

I ENJOY pretty much any novel by Nicholas Sparks. My favorite is A Bend in the Road. It kept me on the edge of my seat and kept me guessing. It had a twisted ending that I never saw coming. Then, it made everything make sense. I strongly recommend it to anyone who wants a good cry.


Unknown said...

I don't really read that many books. When I do read, the book has to keep me interested, and that's exactly what The Choice by Nicholas Sparks did. It was a little slow at first, but once the book took hold of me, it took off. I really enjoyed that book because it kept me guessing the whole time. Plus it had so many twists to it, I didn't know what was gonna happen next.


donald reyer said...

The last book that i read was a biography on David Beckham. I enjoyed reading it although i never finished reading it.