Welcome to English III. This is our blog spot. Here we will share our feelings and ideas about the works we are studying. I encourage you to be honest, but I EXPECT you to be mature and respectful.
Discuss the many roles Daisy plays in The Great Gatsby. Is she dynamic or static, flat or round, antagonist, or merely a symbol of the American dream? (This post closes at midnight on Sunday, December 13th.)
Susie tries to communicate with her family and friends several times. If Susie could completely break through and speak to someone special in her life, with whom do you think she should speak and what should she tell him/her? Why? (This post closes at midnight on Thursday, December 11, 2009)
Does Gatsby truly love Daisy or the idea of loving Daisy? What specifically (give a quote or example) makes you believe this? (This post closes at midnight on Thursday, December 11, 2009)
As we begin The Lovely Bones, which of the characters are you most intrigued over? Why? What has made this character stand out in the book? (This post closes at midnight on Sunday, December 6, 2009.)
Based on the first two chapters of the book, what are your initial thoughts on one of the following characters: Nick, Tom, Daisy, Jordan, Myrtle? Why? (This post closes at midnight on Sunday, December 6, 2009.)